
Education ​&​ Health Care​ Presentation...

What a coincidence for October  26, for Group  1   Education  ​ & ​  Health Care​  Presentation . . .       By: Geraldine Lopez W ell for starters everything looked like it was going swell: we got the group together, each individual was assigned their designated subject, and all of us had to research plus read up on our intended chapters.    Nothing did seem out of the ordinary, maybe perhaps the only irregular thing was the pacing. Since the pacing was rather slow but all in all, everything seemed okay. Well, that was what I at least thought... In the beginning, I was having trouble doing my part-that is those who have contributed to education. Like how do I? Or where do I start? I don't know it just felt vague. I have a knack for being creative but here I was just stumped. Like do I do the people of the past or the ones now in the present? And to top it all off how much do I do? I don't believe everyone wil...
  What do I think of the project? When the professor, Sherri Sinkoff, started to introduce the project to the class It caught a lot of attention. This is because the subject was connected to our generation, relationships, and the society we live in. We were given a list of topics to pick from like Racial Divides to Healthcare. All the topics had to be handled objectively. This means sticking with the facts and data in the research. The topics could be connected to a personal story subjectively too. For example, with the political sides, I did not pick a side that was better or correct, I stayed focused on the data that was provided for both sides. This project gave all of us a chance to broaden our knowledge of government matters and find a connection to our own lives. Group 3: Racial Divides and Immigration While Group 3 presented, their topics were about Racial divides and Immigration, I believe they did an excellent job. Their slides were all consistent with similar backg...

Hello there Racial Divides, Immigration, Law, Order, Education, and Health Care, My Old Friend.

 Let's Get Ready to Discuss!              Here we go again! Back to another round of presentations and we’ve got some pretty intense topics to go over. First we have racial divides and that’s definitely a topic that impacts our daily lives. After we’ve got Law and Order, which if you have a pulse, will certainly give you some things to think about. Last but not least, we have my group’s presentation that covered Health and Education. Without either one of those things, what do you really have? Let’s dive in and see what I thought, of everyone else’s thoughts!               Beginning with group three’s Racial Divides and Immigration, I want to first offer a personal perspective. Like many people here, my family and I have diverse backgrounds and have unfortunately have personal experiences with these topics. Being a Hispanic in a predominantly schools that had ...

Racial Divides, Immigration Laws, Order and Education

 Alright so I was not able to do this project this time but nonetheless, I watched our recorded presentations. And here are some of my thoughts on the process. I thought the groups did a good job on the study guides stating what each member of the group was going to present. It was organized by a PowerPoint with each member's name paired with the general subject of what they would present. I was kinda confused about what I was supposed to put in the project since I was also given a chapter that had zero information on the topic I was supposed to present so I had a difficult time going along with it plus I had other things going on with my personal life that interfered with my progression on the project. The second part was about the brochures which go more into detail about what's being presented.  Now let us start with the groups and their presentations presentations from groups 1-3 Recent presentations we have given in class have shown us a variety of topics and problems rel...

Jade Sorondo

  Welcome to my second blog, this time around I am talking about our most recent presentation and group project. This time around the groups had different topics. I am going to be writing in order of which group presented first. Starting with group three, group 2, and then last but not least group 1 (my group).   To begin, we will start off with group three because they are the ones who presented first this time around. Their topic was racial divides and immigration. In my opinion they did a fantastic job explaining everything and making everything very clear. Their presentation was very organized which made everything better to understand. They mentioned in their presentation how language barriers play a part in racial divides and biases. They mention how important it is to speak without making fun of someone’s race. How to be considerate and thoughtful. For instance, refrain from talking in an accent that is not yours. Many people find this offensive and not comedic. Man...

2nd project

  Last project I found it to be harder than the one previously. I’m not just sure if it was because it had a few parts.But it was still quit  enjoyable to do. Each step was different and took sometimes but at the end it was worth it. The fist apart was the study guid which that was quit simple. But was just interesting how we all basically summarized the a few chapters with vocabulary words and small chapter summaries. It was all combined using a word document. Each chapter had a heading and the name of the participants after that followed the chart with all the vocabulary words and finally was the short summary.                                                                 The second part was the brochure which we all came together as a group added a little guide on how our presenta...

Racial Divides & Immigration, Law & Order, Health & Education

   Boatto, Ashley Group 1 Presentations of groups 1-3 The recent presentations we have done in class shined a new light on different subjects and issues having to do with racism, immigration, and the law. These topics are heavily influenced by politics and the government; therefore, it was interesting to hear about the presented information and my peers' opinions regarding some of the issues. Beginning with group 3, presenting “Racial Divides and Immigration.” One of the things they did that piqued my interest was defining exactly what popular terms society tends to throw around, giving the word no context or meaning when used inappropriately. The defined terms like racial hierarchy, stereotypes, biased displacement, etc. They covered popular controversial issues having to do with language. Typically, many people will address foreigners that live in the US to speak English because they are ‘in America, and in America, you speak English.’ This type of condescending sp...

Chapter 3, 9, and 10 Presentations Reflections

 An Interesting Experience to Say the Least By Amanda B. Varona          Whoa! Now those were some pretty awesome presentations filled with great insight and quality speech writing. And not to toot my own horn, but my group didn't do too shabby either! In this post, I'm going to tell you all about what I thought of everyone's presentations in regards to chapter 3, 9, and 10. Spoiler alert, I actually enjoyed our groups the least. What I enjoyed about all the presentations is how we could use this knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives. Because knowledge is power and if you don't use it, you lose it. Now keep on reading and let's get into the juicy bits!         So since I'm a fan of going in ascending order, we'll start with the Chapter 3 presentation first (a.k.a my group). We focused on intercultural communication and the idea is to understand and respect one another's culture in order to better get along! Kind of ironi...

Chapters 3, 9, and , 10 Sarah Moya

From the very beginning, I came into this class a little late. My previous communications class was with a professor I hated. The professor talked and talked about the news, personal issues, and politics. I knew I was not gonna have fun and I was constantly regretting going to class because of it. I decided a few days in to drop the class and sign up for another one. I asked one of my friends what communications class she was in and she gave me the exact one she was taking. On my first day of the class, I was hearing talk of a PowerPoint presentation due soon that was in groups. A scary thing to hear but I entered my group's Whatsapp. I decided to procrastinate till the very last minute. Maybe less than 2 hours before the class time, the day the presentation was due, I started working on it. I asked my group which slides to work on and started on those two until the very last minute I could. I had a lot of trouble concentrating and deciding what information I was going to put in th...

Course Reflection on First Semester PowerPoints

Why I Loved The First Week In My Speech and Communications Course Dear Diary…no I’m just joking around. To whomever will read this, I would like to express my gratitude for a specific course I am taking as it has taught me a great deal on future accomplishments and how I will handle them. To go into specifics, my Speech and Communications course began with a summarization of our class book via a Powerpoint we had to create. I expected a presentation to be an obvious requirement. It’s a speech class, one is going to have to learn to speak to an audience in a speech and communications class. The good thing about this class is that after completing it, a good majority of students will have gathered a nice chunk of information for the obligatory speeches they must make throughout it. It is nice practice and important for those who wish to speak their mind. Say there’s a sales project you must present to buyers in a few weeks, and your company team is counting on you for a solid del...

Chapter 3, 9 & 10

 My thoughts on the first few weeks Okay, so I had no idea what to expect from this first assignment, but it wasn't a PowerPoint presentation plus. I tended to put things off; working on this felt like dunking into a vat of acid. I tried to have low expectations for my group, but they surpassed them. In retrospect, we could have been more productive if we had met face to face to discuss logistics, but we managed to get it done anyway. My PowerPoint was subpar because I lacked the expertise to make the necessary adjustments. Still, the most important thing was to make the process straightforward so it could be completed quickly. Other group members did the same thing, so I appreciate it. For the most part, I enjoyed each group's presentation. A better understanding of what goes on our side allows us to be harsher on our own. But I can't discount that we were successful in the end. I'm glad we were split up into groups; doing so forced me to stay on task to avoid holding ...