Chapters 3, 9, and , 10 Sarah Moya

From the very beginning,

I came into this class a little late. My previous communications class was with a professor I hated. The professor talked and talked about the news, personal issues, and politics. I knew I was not gonna have fun and I was constantly regretting going to class because of it. I decided a few days in to drop the class and sign up for another one. I asked one of my friends what communications class she was in and she gave me the exact one she was taking. On my first day of the class, I was hearing talk of a PowerPoint presentation due soon that was in groups. A scary thing to hear but I entered my group's Whatsapp. I decided to procrastinate till the very last minute. Maybe less than 2 hours before the class time, the day the presentation was due, I started working on it. I asked my group which slides to work on and started on those two until the very last minute I could. I had a lot of trouble concentrating and deciding what information I was going to put in the presentation. I think it took me 10 minutes to decide what I was going to say for the presentation. Overall I think my group succeeds pretty incredibly. I think everyone in the group did an amazing job. And our group leader took an initiative trying to get everything together at the right time and way to help us out.

Even now my phone is broken and I have no access to my group's Whatsapp; I wonder what they're talking about over on their. Either way, ill start talking about the presentations.

My group's Presentation: 

In general, my group's presentation was about different cultures and how they differ and work together. We talked about cultural shock, dominant 

cultures, the connections between connections, code-switching, 

disability, and Individualism/collectivism. We mostly talked about 

different cultures and what makes them different from others or what 

could bring two different cultures together as well. 

Chapter 10:

chapter 10s presentation is generally about teamwork and leadership. One specific person who popped out to me and their sections was one person who was talking about what to do as a leader. To keep the momentum for people successfully work together. And how to avoid conflict. Specific ways she detailed were: giving compliments to either the group or to an individual out loud and in front of others. And the opposite of criticism, where instead of in public criticism would be given in private so other don't hear and feel let down by the person. singling people out in a group could be the downfall of everything.

I think the class is pretty cool so far. I like how two set leaders help with everything the teacher needs. it makes the atmosphere of the class nice to see everyone willing to work together. The only thing I dislike about the class is the amount of work and stuff we are being introduced to, overall, feels overwhelming. This class is until December and everything feels fast-paced and like the due dates are too soon to work with. But maybe I'm just lazy and want time to keep procrastinating.

Cat Standing GIFs | Tenor


  1. Not bad from your circumstance.. I would of never thought you did great:).. love the kitty

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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