Education ​&​ Health Care​ Presentation...

What a coincidence for October 26, for Group 1 

Education ​&​ Health Care​ Presentation...      

By: Geraldine Lopez

Well for starters everything looked like it was going swell: we got the group together, each individual was assigned their designated subject, and all of us had to research plus read up on our intended chapters.   

Nothing did seem out of the ordinary, maybe perhaps the only irregular thing was the pacing. Since the pacing was rather slow but all in all, everything seemed okay.

Well, that was what I at least thought...
In the beginning, I was having trouble doing my part-that is those who have contributed to education. Like how do I? Or where do I start? I don't know it just felt vague. I have a knack for being creative but here I was just stumped. Like do I do the people of the past or the ones now in the present? And to top it all off how much do I do? I don't believe everyone will pay attention or be attentive to a long, long, long list of people and their contributions. I remember that one rule that my technology teacher taught me in middle school when doing PowerPoints: "Never ever overflow your slide with loads and loads of information. Since nobody will be able to read all that information in time nor recall every bit of it. You need to get to the point of your subject and make it simple and easy to follow."

Kinda like the title of that song "Simple and Clean". Everything gotta be simple and clean so it can be a swift ride, not a rocky one.

Anyways I decided to do both the past and present contributors to education. I mean I picked people who have affected lives and our understanding of certain things. Maybe it wasn't the best since I couldn't fit all their accomplishments and who they were as a person and all that they did to revolutionize education. I don't think I justified those people and the countless others I did not add. 😓

Who am I to deem who's worthy to be on that slide? Well, I'm not worthy since I don't believe I'm on the same level of significance as these contributors.

Anyways while this part of the presentation for me was a daunting task there were other parts to the presentation itself that I was trying to figure out. For instance, finding a good audio for the "Education Connection Jingle" which I have no idea if it worked or not when it came time for the actual presentation.

I don't know whenever it comes time to present to the class, I always feel like something either with the audio or animation goes wrong. Like whether it doesn't function properly or the thing crashes. I just want everything to turn up well but sadly that simply is not the case for everything. There will be times when things go askew but what matters most is that we hold it together and work with what we have. 

Welp, I mean I wasn't really there when it came time to actually present the presentation. Because as it turns out...

 What a coincidence it was for October 26, for Group 1 to present but Geraldine had "Jury Duty" and so was not available.

I can't believe I hadn't realized it until a week before then. Gosh darn it I really messed up this time! Why? Why! Aw man I thought what if something bad happens while I'm not there? Right?

Gosh, I thought it was going to be all my fault! Oh no, no, no! 
Well, I hope not... 

But that is beside the point, before our group would present that day, there were other groups who had different topics presented a day or a week before us.

So, I'm gonna give you the insight into what was going on over there before Group 1's big day...

As you may have to know there are two other groups besides Group 1, like Group 2 and 3.

I believe it was Group 3 who started this show, but my mind is a little foggy in that ordeal. What I do remember is that they were discussing "Racial Divides & Immigration.Which as the name implies is a conflicting topic. We have seen our fair share of immigration deportation in the news and their strive for a better life...yet most of those people aren't given the chance when there is stigma clouding people's judgment. The same could be said for Racial Divides which is that inequality that exists, a division between the people. Maybe I was focusing too much on the negative rather than the positive. My parents always did tell me I always lose sight of the bigger picture since I'm always lost with those types of discrepancies. 

And with Group 2 they were tackling "Law & Order & Economy" which basically talks about the Justice System and its manner of handling/maintaining the peace and law of the land. Without Just laws and those who enforce them, things won't function; everything may go into disarray. The economy itself may suffer because of it, going into a spiral that will end up in discord. That is why we have a system of checks and balances in place, that may no law infringe on the rights of the people, that no Constitutional Body is in absolute control- that they are equally divided in power. To keep themselves in check of abuse of that power.

Alright, that's that of that. We are done with the other Group besides our own. Well, as said before I was not present on the day of the presentation because of a pending Jury Duty I had to attend to. 
I was greatly worried and sweat striven for my Group. I heard that some slides were deleted that somebody worked on?! Some work just disappeared on the day of the presentation?! Dude that's just awful, can you imagine losing all that work?! Luckily, I think they toke a screenshot of that lost work. I don't think I was the one who did it, the only thing I changed was the Donald Trump vs. Biden slide since it only had pictures, since I thought maybe it would be cool if they were literally fighting instead. I should have asked permission before mingling with someone else's slide. If somehow doing just that caused the disappearance of slides, I did not mean it. Well, I hope it wasn't my fault, but I don't know. I left Jury Duty around 4:00 after class had finished. In the end, they didn't pick me for the Jury Duty case. And while I was in the process of everything, I was just worried if everything was turning out alright for my Group. I even went so far as to text them in the Group chat if everything was going afloat and what part they were at in the presentation.

Look I just don't want to be that person who let the Group down.
Maybe I'm worrying too much but it's the truth.




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