2nd project

 Last project I found it to be harder than the one previously. I’m not just sure if it was because it had a few parts.But it was still quit enjoyable to do. Each step was different and took sometimes but at the end it was worth it.

The fist apart was the study guid which that was quit simple. But was just interesting how we all basically summarized the a few chapters with vocabulary words and small chapter summaries. It was all combined using a word document. Each chapter had a heading and the name of the participants after that followed the chart with all the vocabulary words and finally was the short summary.

                         Sums It Up The Office GIF


The second part was the brochure which we all came together as a group added a little guide on how our presentation would be. We used the brochure as an outline and an organizational tool for our PowerPoint which is the 3rd part. As well, it helped everyone by showing them when it was their turn 

The third part was a bit confusing at first, but after doing the brochure, it clicked for me. I originally had planned to do my presentation on Obama care. I switched to a topic that I was more comfortable about and passionate. I ended up doing the ADA because I can relate. I have a service dog and I work with them every day and I see the difference that they make in a person's life and many. 

What I like most about this project and the project previously was that although we have like a guide, we the students have the freedom to incorporate our own ideas. Personally, I enjoy being able to add my twist to my project. Let the creative juices flow. I think everyone did an amazing job of adding there own concept to the project. Which made every slide that much better.

                    Design Mind Blown GIF by Veo Branding Company


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