Jade Sorondo

 Welcome to my second blog, this time around I am talking about our most recent presentation and group project. This time around the groups had different topics. I am going to be writing in order of which group presented first. Starting with group three, group 2, and then last but not least group 1 (my group).


To begin, we will start off with group three because they are the ones who presented first this time around. Their topic was racial divides and immigration. In my opinion they did a fantastic job explaining everything and making everything very clear. Their presentation was very organized which made everything better to understand. They mentioned in their presentation how language barriers play a part in racial divides and biases. They mention how important it is to speak without making fun of someone’s race. How to be considerate and thoughtful. For instance, refrain from talking in an accent that is not yours. Many people find this offensive and not comedic. Many people may take it the wrong way and as a sign of disrespect. Group three also mentions how racial divides are still a serious issue in most countries. Group threes second topic was on immigration. Which is an interesting topic seeing how majority of Miami’s population comes from immigrant descent. They had an interesting slide that said how two thirds of Americans stated that immigrants help in strengthening their country because of all their hard work and talents. While around 24% believe immigrants are more of a burden to society because they take over our health care, jobs, and overall economy. I completely disagree with that opinion because I personally think immigrants are the most hard-working people and without them a lot of people would have to do jobs they would not like to do, and our country would not be where it is now


Moving on to group two, their project was on law and order and economics. They started off by talking about the history of law and order. They talked about where it originated and who started it. Former president Richard Nixon was mentioned as he was the one who successfully started it. They mentioned many organizations such as many different police departments and how they fall into the topic of law and order. They mention that without these organizations there would not be any law and order. Their second topic was economy and defining it. They mention how an economy can represent a nation, religion and even family. They also brought up many organizations that help small businesses with loans and more. Towards the end of the presentation, they compare chapter 15 and 16 of our books because it teaches us more about law and order and economy.


Lastly group one (my group), we talked about education and healthcare. In my opinion this project was a little more difficult to do compared to the last one. More research was needed and was also more stressful. I do believe that as a group we did a great job. We were all working together to help each other with our slides and information. There was a lot of communication between us all. Ashley was constantly helping and answering any questions for the group. The topic itself was very interesting to me. I wrote a slide about the different education organizations, many organizations that I did not know existed. My favorite slide was the slide about service dogs. It was extremely informative, and I learned a lot and I hope the other groups did also. Many people abuse the use of service dogs for their own personal gain, and I hope that slide taught the class to not do that. We also mentioned in one of our slides the most significant people in the development of education. For instance, we mentioned Charles Darwin, Helen Keller, Leonardi Davinci, Aristotle and a few more people.  We talked about how education is not just math and science and how it can help the world with day-to-day interactions with people. It can strengthen us and help us communicate better with people around us. We can form better connections with people. As a group I think our presentation was done very well, we were asked to be fully versed in what we were talking about and to add lots of pictures and graphs to our presentation and I believe we did both. Also, the brochure was something we did different this time around and I liked it. It helped with the organization of the project, also helped me to focus on the more important aspects of my slides.


To conclude, this was our second presentation for this class, and I believe they get better every time. With every project we complete I believe we get better as a group working together. Every group did an amazing job with their presentations. All were very organized and interesting and full of information. I am sure that for the next project everything will run even smoother between groups


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