What do I think of the project?

When the professor, Sherri Sinkoff, started to introduce the project to the class It caught a lot of attention. This is because the subject was connected to our generation, relationships, and the society we live in. We were given a list of topics to pick from like Racial Divides to Healthcare. All the topics had to be handled objectively. This means sticking with the facts and data in the research. The topics could be connected to a personal story subjectively too. For example, with the political sides, I did not pick a side that was better or correct, I stayed focused on the data that was provided for both sides. This project gave all of us a chance to broaden our knowledge of government matters and find a connection to our own lives.

Group 3: Racial Divides and Immigration

While Group 3 presented, their topics were about Racial divides and Immigration, I believe they did an excellent job. Their slides were all consistent with similar backgrounds and fonts. The background was with natural tones of brown that were calming to watch. In certain slides, the keywords or statements were bolded or in an opposite color of the text to bring our attention to it. They included various and diverse pictures that were easy to understand without their explanation. Their slides were not wordy and were straightforward. By doing so, it allows us not to be overwhelmed by the amount of information that would be spoken instead. At the end to bring back everyone’s attention and to wrap up the presentation they included a funny yet realistic video to connect us to the topic. At some point, the presenter asks the rest of the student’s questions to form a relationship between us. I found that to be a very cool way to make it interactive and interesting. Overall, they did an excellent job, and cannot wait to see their next project.

First, Group 3 started with Racial Divides. One of the first slides starts with Racial Hierarchy, with a definition of the word connected to the picture. They stayed more with the facts and data rather than personal stories which I like. Also, they found a way to connect each topic and sub-topic to a section in the chapters given to each group. For example, they connect the Chapter which is Language and Oral styles to racial bias with samples to prove how it is connected. Next, it was Immigration, which was well explained and gave me new information about it. They found a way to answer my question without me even having to ask about it as the US immigration policies. Both topics have data to support their information and were well explained.

Group 2: Law & Order and Economy

In the process of presenting, Group 2 did a fantastic job at explaining and researching their topics of Law & Order and the Economy. Their slides had a lot of pictures and did not have a lot of words to them. For example, the slide about the local association had a picture of each corporation and a spoken description for each. There were multiple links connected to websites and videos to pictures with explanations. Each slide consisted of formatting like font, sizing, and color. Toward the end, Group 2 showed the class their study guide which was in a different PowerPoint theme. I like this because it differentiates the two slides in to study guide. The study guide did have more words to it, but it was all information and did not cause me to get overwhelmed because the PowerPoint touched upon a few topics involved.

I like that they started it off with what is economy and had a link that provided various types of information about the economy. They use a diverse amount of information from personal stories to studies done in recent years. While presenting, they decided to divide two sections of the slides and study guides. I like that because it shows the relationships with the content in the few chapters given to them. All in all, they did a wonderful job, and can not wait to see what they have in store for the next project.

Group 3: Education and Healthcare

This was the group I was part of, and I decided to work in the education section. I gain a lot of new knowledge and perspective on the education system. I had the section talking about the political and interview part. I interview Lisa Benitez who works at a High School that focuses on academics rather than extra curriculum. The two main political parties, democrats and republicans, had different viewpoints on the topics but both wants the best for the United States. In the preparations for this project, my group was very commutative and reliable to are set due dates. We separated the project to be equal for all like working in the study guide into groups to make it easier. I like working with my group and have a lot of trust for the next project we have.

While presenting, my group went into detail about all the topics and sub-topics involved. We have multiple videos, links, and images to support are topics to help the watchers to better understand our topics. I tried my best to keep my part with a good amount of words to prevent people from getting overwhelmed by the amount of information. I believe we did a good job with the amount of information and the presentation part too.


I believe all three groups did an excellent job in presenting and researching. The slides were satisfying with all the font and colors. All had many links to images, videos, and studies in recent years. I am happy that we did this project to gain new knowledge and perspectives on different subjects. Thank you to all my classmates who worked hard on this project to be good for all.


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