Hello there Racial Divides, Immigration, Law, Order, Education, and Health Care, My Old Friend.

 Let's Get Ready to Discuss! 

            Here we go again! Back to another round of presentations and we’ve got some pretty intense topics to go over. First we have racial divides and that’s definitely a topic that impacts our daily lives. After we’ve got Law and Order, which if you have a pulse, will certainly give you some things to think about. Last but not least, we have my group’s presentation that covered Health and Education. Without either one of those things, what do you really have? Let’s dive in and see what I thought, of everyone else’s thoughts!


            Beginning with group three’s Racial Divides and Immigration, I want to first offer a personal perspective. Like many people here, my family and I have diverse backgrounds and have unfortunately have personal experiences with these topics. Being a Hispanic in a predominantly schools that had mostly other races left me feeling like an outcast at times. Bullied sometimes even. I am happy to see that it does seem like things nowadays seem to be getting better. As it should! We’re all in this together. Back to the topic at hand!

            Racial Hierarchy is a real thing. I want to say that all groups display this to some extent. But definitely some more than others. And it’s not wrong to be proud of who you and your people are, but not at the expense of bringing other races down. The group also mention The Dawes Act, which I had never heard of before, and honestly wish I hadn’t. Like why would anyone want to take what makes another race unique and awesome away from them? If you don’t like who they are or what they have to offer, at least respect it and stay in your lane.

            And touching on the immigration, I love how this group displayed its statistics about it. One fact that I thought was great is that immigrants and descendants are projected to account for 88% of the population growth through 2065. This an awesome time to be a part of the melting pot that is the USA.

Let’s talk about group 2 and what they think about Law and Order.  I was surprised to find out that this term was initially popularized by President Regan and his administration. The concept behind it seems to indicate that it would be around for a hundred years or something like that. The more you know! It’s a shame how the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act was targeting more minorities, but I’m hopeful in thinking that as minority population increases, the respect for them will increase as well.

Another interesting topic they mentioned is Economic Freedom. Oh what a joy it is to seek profits and success here in the states! And I mean every syllable of that. There are so many resources at your disposal that if you fail, it’s because you didn’t prepare and execute well enough. Now to say that external variable aren’t to be taken into account is not a hundred percent true either. As mentioned by the group when it mentions Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 Stock Market Crash, and the tsunami that struck Japan in 2011. All those events had effects on not on the economies in those countries, but it had global effects as well.

We’ve got to save the best for last! And that’s group #1. Our sights were set on Education Health Care. As you can imagine, lots to be said about both those topics. Even on their own. If I want anyone to take a couple of things away from our presentation, it is the following. Please never forget those important figures who contributed to education and what it is today. Without them, all generations to come would have no chance to survive in this world that introduces new mysteries and scenarios that humanity needs resolving. The other thing being the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990). That act has drastically improved the quality of life of those who desperately need it. Some of us need more help than others and to still be treated fairly. And just because you may have some condition that makes it a little more difficult to work, it does not mean you should not have the opportunity to try.

Now unfortunately I did have a not so great experience in the making of this presentation that I do wish to address. I added some slides to the presentation that were either edited or removed. I am not one opposed to receiving constructive criticism. What I am against is my work being removed for no rhyme or reason. And I think all other group members feel the same way. Besides that hiccup, I do feel our presentation was concise, visually entertaining, and most importantly, informative!

Thank you all for tuning in to another blog by Amanda Varona! I appreciate all the groups that put in the effort to inform our class of pretty tough topics, but I feel like it was all done with class and I wouldn’t change a dang thing about any of them. Be swell and remember that knowledge is power! Until next time.






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