
Showing posts from September, 2022

Chapter 3, 9, and 10 Presentations Reflections

 An Interesting Experience to Say the Least By Amanda B. Varona          Whoa! Now those were some pretty awesome presentations filled with great insight and quality speech writing. And not to toot my own horn, but my group didn't do too shabby either! In this post, I'm going to tell you all about what I thought of everyone's presentations in regards to chapter 3, 9, and 10. Spoiler alert, I actually enjoyed our groups the least. What I enjoyed about all the presentations is how we could use this knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives. Because knowledge is power and if you don't use it, you lose it. Now keep on reading and let's get into the juicy bits!         So since I'm a fan of going in ascending order, we'll start with the Chapter 3 presentation first (a.k.a my group). We focused on intercultural communication and the idea is to understand and respect one another's culture in order to better get along! Kind of ironic that it felt like our gro

Chapters 3, 9, and , 10 Sarah Moya

From the very beginning, I came into this class a little late. My previous communications class was with a professor I hated. The professor talked and talked about the news, personal issues, and politics. I knew I was not gonna have fun and I was constantly regretting going to class because of it. I decided a few days in to drop the class and sign up for another one. I asked one of my friends what communications class she was in and she gave me the exact one she was taking. On my first day of the class, I was hearing talk of a PowerPoint presentation due soon that was in groups. A scary thing to hear but I entered my group's Whatsapp. I decided to procrastinate till the very last minute. Maybe less than 2 hours before the class time, the day the presentation was due, I started working on it. I asked my group which slides to work on and started on those two until the very last minute I could. I had a lot of trouble concentrating and deciding what information I was going to put in th

Course Reflection on First Semester PowerPoints

Why I Loved The First Week In My Speech and Communications Course Dear Diary…no I’m just joking around. To whomever will read this, I would like to express my gratitude for a specific course I am taking as it has taught me a great deal on future accomplishments and how I will handle them. To go into specifics, my Speech and Communications course began with a summarization of our class book via a Powerpoint we had to create. I expected a presentation to be an obvious requirement. It’s a speech class, one is going to have to learn to speak to an audience in a speech and communications class. The good thing about this class is that after completing it, a good majority of students will have gathered a nice chunk of information for the obligatory speeches they must make throughout it. It is nice practice and important for those who wish to speak their mind. Say there’s a sales project you must present to buyers in a few weeks, and your company team is counting on you for a solid del

Chapter 3, 9 & 10

 My thoughts on the first few weeks Okay, so I had no idea what to expect from this first assignment, but it wasn't a PowerPoint presentation plus. I tended to put things off; working on this felt like dunking into a vat of acid. I tried to have low expectations for my group, but they surpassed them. In retrospect, we could have been more productive if we had met face to face to discuss logistics, but we managed to get it done anyway. My PowerPoint was subpar because I lacked the expertise to make the necessary adjustments. Still, the most important thing was to make the process straightforward so it could be completed quickly. Other group members did the same thing, so I appreciate it. For the most part, I enjoyed each group's presentation. A better understanding of what goes on our side allows us to be harsher on our own. But I can't discount that we were successful in the end. I'm glad we were split up into groups; doing so forced me to stay on task to avoid holding

Chapter 3

Project Thoughts  I will be honest when the group project was first assigned i was not trilled due to the fact that I do not enjoy working in groups. But truthfully I had an over all amazing time getting to work on this project. The group that I was in everyone did their assignments without hesitation. Although it did not affect others grades I am the type of person that I like to see other succeed. After all the hard work the groups but in all the presntation  you can tell everyone one put lots of time and effort in each slide they made. It was also noticeable that everyone did their research on there topic because no one read straight off the power point or snuggled giving examples. Everything was well planed and had attention  to details. Going into chapter 3 which was the group I was in. With most school project I find them to be unreliable but it was defiantly not the case here. From the beginning of the pesentation talking about culture shock it hit close to home. My whole family

Chapter 3, 9 Y 10

  C ha pter 3 , 9 y 10 By: Geraldine Lopez Well,  this hasn't been the first time I used  PowerPoint or done a group assignment itself. Since my middle school elective was technology. Where we had to learn how to use Microsoft Office software. There I learn all about PowerPoint, and I even got a certificate for passing the test of it. So basically, I know how to use PowerPoint, have a basic understanding of Word, and am awful at Excel. Hey, but at least it's something, who knew that I would use this software again in the future? And for that first group assignment, I was a part of let's just say it didn't turn out the way we wanted. Since it was an Art middle school class animation project, we were lacking a basic understanding of what one goes through to make a proficient animation. We ended up aborting our ideas in the end because it was too much, and we were near the deadline. So, as you can see that was my experience and now, I'm hoping things don't go si

Blog Post 1-Alana Benitez

Chapter 3 My group and I were assigned to present Chapter 3 which is Intercultural Communication. We discussed the main lesson points which are Culture and Communication; Relationship between Dominate and Co-Cultures; how cultures differ; and Developing Intercultural Commination Competence. I liked how once we got to the project, our group assigned and communicated in an effective way to get it done. Also, later in the project, three people were added to our group and we equally separated the work. During the presentation, we used a colorful and creative template for the PowerPoint that allowed us to keep the audience focused on us. Limited and vague sentences allowed us to go into depth while presenting instead of reading off the slides. I liked how the rest of my group used the real-life connection to the textbook to make it more relatable and easier to understand. None of the work was done at the last minute. In addition, after we were done presenting everyone was supportive, sayi

Chapters 3, 9, &10

Chapters 3, 9, 10 These past few week have been an eye opener to many extents. This first project was a rough one and definitely not what I expected. Working in groups was a challenge, especially since you are introduced to new peers via virtual class. Setting up a communication through the WhatsApp platform was an essential to plan out the presentation. However, assigning people to cover a specific section in the chapter was messy because we weren't familiar with it, nor did we know where to start.      Most often group projects are a great way to be productive, getting a load of work finished quicker and more efficient. However, there in every good group there is a balance of both good productiveness and procrastination, especially in a new group *cough, cough* like this one *cough, cough*. Though, it was beneficial because the content was evenly distributed or a least as much as I could distribute it fairly, and it was a plus that you didn't have to cover a WHOLE PowerPoint