Chapters 3, 9, &10

Chapters 3, 9, 10

These past few week have been an eye opener to many extents. This first project was a rough one and definitely not what I expected. Working in groups was a challenge, especially since you are introduced to new peers via virtual class. Setting up a communication through the WhatsApp platform was an essential to plan out the presentation. However, assigning people to cover a specific section in the chapter was messy because we weren't familiar with it, nor did we know where to start. 

    Most often group projects are a great way to be productive, getting a load of work finished quicker and more efficient. However, there in every good group there is a balance of both good productiveness and procrastination, especially in a new group *cough, cough* like this one *cough, cough*. Though, it was beneficial because the content was evenly distributed or a least as much as I could distribute it fairly, and it was a plus that you didn't have to cover a WHOLE PowerPoint by yourself; there were still some issues, but that can be used as a method of constructivism to help for the next project. One thing for sure that I didn't enjoy in this first project was the lack of discipline, irresponsibility, and lack of time management that some people have, however, it is understandable given I am also a procrastinator. But just because there is a team leader, doesn't excuse a team member to go 'ghost' on the project, assuming that their part will be added on the presentation and covered. Having things be added in last-minute was stressful because it was so near the hour it was due. On my part, I was doing a little detail modification, making sure everything was well put, and frantically putting together an outline before class; I definitely learned my lesson to do that earlier (AKA: the day before instead of the day of). 

    Regardless of those things, the PowerPoint turned out amazing! I was honestly very proud of everyone's efforts and dedication to pulling it off, because alone, it wouldn't have been as great as it was. It was very interesting to see everyone's personality and creativity come to life on the slides. Most of us helped each other pull the weight of covering slides/editing them, which was a major relief. My classmate that helped out was a true blessing because my anxiety was kicking adding in new slides that needed to be covered in the PowerPoint. Working together to build this presentation shed a light to the work ethic that people have and helps me to assess the next group project more efficiently. 

    However, doing the PowerPoint itself was a major task... of procrastination. To be fair, in my mind I thought it would've been a lot harder than it really was, so I just kept stalling the time to do it. Reading the chapter was dreadful. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love reading books and novels, but TEXTBOOKS... just don't sit right with me. Every time I looked at my planner and saw the due date of the presentation my internal reaction was this:

    Let's just say it wasn't a dopamine type of reaction. Nevertheless, I eventually started and realized it wasn't as painful as I was making it out to be. Once I started, I began to get creative with it; I am the type of person to make my presentations, notes, and pretty much anything very color coordinated, neat, and aesthetic. That was the main part of the project I really enjoyed, choosing a theme, and making my slide look pretty, essentially. 

    Never would I have thought that presentations were a beneficial way to learn and retain new information! Student presentations have been a major eye opener because not only is there the essential information about the chapter, but there is a simple and to the point explanation. With my classmates presentation I, in all honesty, enjoyed it much more than just a plain lecture. It was very visually appealing, engaging, and new method of learning that I was exposed to. I believe that our individual creativity was able to translate onto the presentations. 

    Now my review of the presentations:

    When the second group presented, chapter 9 Communicating in Groups, clearly explained the chapter and elaborated with great explanations. The video which they showed in the beginning was very helpful in demonstrating collaboration within a group. I personally enjoyed how they incorporated videos instead of just using words on the PowerPoint to explain; the video supplied a better and more to the point explanation— clearer than what was provided in the book. Their presentation really brought to light how our personality blends with who we network and how we communicate, especially in the work environment. It's interesting to see how our chapter on intercultural communications also played a role in their chapter, building more on to it. Comes to show how culture affects the world around us. 

    On to the next presentation... chapter 10, Leadership. They highlighted how understanding and completing your role in the workforce is an essential, so the harmony/synergy remains. The different charts, tables and graphs explaining the topics on the slides allowed for me to understand clearly what they were speaking about; since I am a huge planner and visual learner, I really enjoyed this. The chapter thoroughly emphasis the true responsibility of a leader in the workforce (planning, listening, and communicated properly within the team members), along with what it means to be a leader (stepping up to the challenge, staying humble, and uniting the group). Definitely one of my favorite parts of their presentations was when one of the students turned his camera, showing his daughter. My heart melted, she was so precious! Will forever be engraved into my memory. 

Ultimately, the first round of presentations was a little rough around the edges I will admit, but it’s to be expected in a new class. Besides that, the presentations were delightful! My classmates really took me by surprise. I am excited to see how the presentations from here on out will be. 


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  3. Procrastination is a mosquito, but you did great on the PP.. sometimes people aren't aware of things and communication is key even more when your a leader. Stay Positive!


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