Chapter 3

Project Thoughts 

I will be honest when the group project was first assigned i was not trilled due to the fact that I do not enjoy working in groups. But truthfully I had an over all amazing time getting to work on this project. The group that I was in everyone did their assignments without hesitation. Although it did not affect others grades I am the type of person that I like to see other succeed. After all the hard work the groups but in all the presntation  you can tell everyone one put lots of time and effort in each slide they made. It was also noticeable that everyone did their research on there topic because no one read straight off the power point or snuggled giving examples. Everything was well planed and had attention  to details.

Going into chapter 3 which was the group I was in. With most school project I find them to be unreliable but it was defiantly not the case here. From the beginning of the pesentation talking about culture shock it hit close to home. My whole family and I expired culture shock when we first got here to the untied to states of American.Also another big point that just hit extremely close to home was indulgence vs restraint. Coming from poor Hispanic house hold I would often see how hard my parents would work to get me the things I want it but would not get them selfs anything. My parents would restraint themselves from eating meshing to save it for my bother and . And on that Note the presentation was incredible and relatable with really made a difference to my interest in learning more.

Moving on to chapter 9 and 10 witched was fouced more on the proper ways to communicate. Having a communication with family and friends it important expressing feeling in-order for one an other to have more of understanding and appreciation. But this does not only apple to family but also coworkers. For example when giving a prevention its important for your corks to give you feed back about improving your pitch or even something simple a font. What many people don't know is that taking in that feed back makes you a better leader. I felt as if chapter 9 and 10 are so important and can be looked that in so many different ways depending on your life situation and that is what made it so enjoyable to become engaged I the presentation. You might have not seen word by word relate to you but it hit close to home where you can think about it and make it your own to make improvements in your daily life.


  1. That's nice that you want the best for others.. not many would say that. I enjoyed reading this piece of your mind very much :).. also the gif *amazing*

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